KMBA Strategic Planning Policy

KMBA celebrated its 60th year of operation in 2024 providing opportunities for youth baseball in Kamloops. In order to continue its excellence for decades to come, strategic planning will become a key component to guide the future Board of Directors. The following are the key phases of the KMBA strategic planning process:

1. The President will lead a Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and
Opportunities SWAT Review at a minimum every 2 years with input
from members, employees or the board.
2. The President will present to the Board of Directors annually any
proposed updates and changes to the key strategic goals for the
3. Strategic goals may include growth, capital, facilities, employment,
training, education, equipment and capacity building.
4. Strategic goals should be planned for 5 year periods with minor
annual revisions.
5. The Board will review and approve the 5 year strategic goals
annually at a regular Board Meeting and make use of the plan
during annual budget development.
6. The Board will post to the membership on the KMBA website the
Strategic Planning Policy, and Strategic goals of the association.


KMBA Strategic Goals 2024-2029

1. Program Growth
To grow program opportunities across all seasons to keep pace with the population growth and increasing registration.
2. Program Diversity
To maintain and expand affordable programming for Recreational, Challenger and the High Performance College Prep Pathway
3. Field Availability
Collaborate with the City of Kamloops and sponsors to expand field schedules with the growing demand, including new lighted field options
4. Employment
To maintain a high quality of programming as registration grows with the addition of a 3rd employee
5. Training
To grow the umpire and coach capacity, training, and retention in all divisions