Please welcome new Umpire in Chief Alan Deacon. Al brings over 30 years of umpiring experience and a passion for the sport and mentoring new recruits. You can reach him at UIC.KMBA@GMAIL.COM
LEVEL 1 & 2 - MARCH 8th
Level 1 / Level 2 clinics are FREE to all BCBUA members.
Cost to become a BC Baseball Umpire member are:
12 - 13 years of age - $35
14 years and older - $65
*age as of December 31, 2025
Superclinic is an additional $50 registration fee and is an option for Advanced Level 2 members and above (Level 3 and National Level). For more information on the Superclinic, please contact the Margaret - Jean Willis, Area Rep.
Registration Steps + Clinic Dates
--> Step #1 - Register/Renew Membership
Umpires can go to the BCBUA website to register or renew your membership: www.bcbua.ca
Membership fees paid via credit card, debit card or PayPal for the 2024 Season.
--> Step #2 - Sign Up for a Virtual Rules Clinic
Instructions on how register for the mandatory online portion can be found on the BCBUA website. Choose an online clinic, the dates for 2024 are below - this is a requirement to become certified and to actively umpire.
--> Step #3 - In Person Clinic
Level 1 clinic on March 8th @ 9:00am
Level 2 clinic on March 8th @ 1:00pm
Register for an on field clinic HERE
Both clinics will take place in the Sussex Indoor Facility on McArthur Island. Clean indoor shoes are mandatory.
NOTE: If you are unable to attend this session you will need to choose a session with a different association. Register for an in person clinic: www.bcbua.ca
* = level 2 required
Base Ump/Plate Ump
11u Rec - $35
11u AAA - $35/$40
13u Rec - $40/$45
13u Rep - $45/$50
15u Rec - $45/$50
15u AAA* - $55/$60
18u AA - $50/$55
18u AAA/CP* - $65/$75
KMBA uses the tool Assignr to allocate umpires for home games.
Baseball Umpire Levels
The BCBUA Roadmap to Excellence document describes the 5 levels of umpiring in the province and the steps required to attain each one.
Click here to download your copy.
Umpire Registration - BCBUA has created a detailed walk through sheet for umpires Click Here
Official Supplier - Umpire Attire